Analysis of this article gives credence to many of the thoughts I have had the last few weeks.
Physicists who measured particles traveling faster than speed of light don’t dare dream
The thoughts:
1.Einstein was wrong.
2. Time is not real.
3. The speed of light is not a barrier.
4. Time travel and dilation are a farce
5. Simple thought experiments can invalidate explanations of Einstein's theories.
6. A Grand Unified Theory (GUT) has been hampered by an unwillingness to consider Einstein wrong.
These thoughts were prompted from a TV show discussing the possibility of time travel.
Time is not real, it is a derived measurement. Time can be many things- the displacement of sand by gravity, the period of a pendulum, the frequency of microwaves from cesium. You can not add to it or take away from it. It has no absolute beginning or end. It is a relative measurement that has no meaning beyond what we give it.
A "subatomic particle, the neutrino, was found to have outrun light and confounded the theories of Albert Einstein.
To our great surprise we found an anomaly,”
No! You measured a result. It is only an anomaly to the special theory of relativity.
“Everybody knows that the speed limit is c, the speed of light. And if you find some matter particle such as the neutrino going faster than light, this is something which immediately shocks everybody, including us,”
No! The speed of light is the speed of light. Don't blame everybody for the scientific community's assumption of correctness to Einstein's theory.
"Alvaro De Rujula, a theoretical physicist at CERN...blamed the readings on a so-far undetected human error... (people) could, in principle, travel to the past and kill their mother before they were born."
Speed of light must be speed barrier and we can manipulate time and events, Einstein said so. WHY would you accept this?
Stop assuming Einstein was right and lets get a GUT. I can't always do the math but I can do the same thought experiments that Einstein proposed and see their fallacies.
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